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Florence Bike Pages
Florence and Tuscany by bicycle
Skip Navigation LinksHome page > Florence by bike > Accomodations



A useful directory of hotels, bed&breakfast, campings havings facilities for cyclists. The directory is by FIAB, the federation of Italian cyclists' advocacy groups. For a direct link to Florence area listing: click here.

Turism in Tuscany

The Regione Toscana (the regional government) edits the "Turism in Tuscany" Internet site. It is full of useful information for every turist. You will find a complete listing of accomodation available.


There are so many hotels, in Florence, that it is not possible, for me, to list all of them. The following links are to hotels associations that rapresents most of the hotels of high and medium level.

Florence Promhotels

A bit more than one hundred hotels, most 3 or 4 stars (maximum is 5). An on-line form allows you to check available rooms for each hotel.

Consorzio Firenze Albergo

Another Association. Similar to the other on for number and level of the hotels. Most of the hotels are just the same..

Pagine Gialle (Yellow Pages)

The hotels directly from Italian On-Line Yellow Pages.

Hostels and campings

A list is avalable on the "Turism in Tuscany" site. At the moment (January 2002) there is a problem with search engine. I found working links: Hostels and Campings.

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