Fiesole e Monteloro
This itinerari faces immediatly the ascent to Fiesole; rather tough but with constant slope. After Fiesole it is pure enjoyment: roads are beautiful and with a little traffic. You will be back in traffic after Ellera for return to Florence. If you are tired, at Compiobbi you can get the train to Florence.
Itinerary data
Trip lenght:
Total ascent:
478 m
Average slope:(*)
5,0% (9,1 km ascent)
Maximum average slope:
8,9% (on a 0,5 km long section)
(*)only sections steeper than 2% are included
Itinerary map
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itinerary profile

Road book
N° | km | alt | descr |
1 | | 64 |
Piazza Edison
2 | | 145 |
San Domenico
3 | | 289 |
4 | | 475 |
Torre di Buiano
5 | | 477 |
Via dei Bosconi
Turn right in direction "Monteloro"
6 | | 522 |
Catena pass
7 | | 461 |
Turn left in direction Monteloro
8 | | 415 |
9 | | 102 |
Le Falle
10 | | 76 |
Pedestrian bridge
Cross the bridge, then pass below railway line
11 | | 76 |
Turn right
12 | | 58 |
S. Andrea a Rovezzano
You are back in Florence